No Rules Rules by Reed Hastings.

No Rules Rules

Netflix, known for its disruptive approach to entertainment, also boasts a revolutionary approach to corporate culture. “No Rules Rules” provides an inside look into the unique cultural framework that has powered Netflix’s innovation and success.

Freedom and Responsibility

At the heart of Netflix’s culture is the balance between freedom and responsibility. Instead of relying on strict rules and hierarchies, Netflix empowers its employees with a high degree of autonomy, trusting them to act in the company’s best interests.

The Keeper Test

One of the most talked-about aspects of Netflix’s culture is the “Keeper Test.” Managers regularly ask themselves which employees they would fight to keep—and those who don’t make the cut are let go, ensuring that the company retains only the most impactful players.

Feedback is a Gift

Netflix places a strong emphasis on candid, constructive feedback. Employees are encouraged to provide feedback up, down, and across the organization, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Five Key Learnings from “No Rules Rules”

  1. Talent Density: By focusing on hiring and retaining only top-performing employees, organizations can operate with fewer rules and more freedom.
  2. Candor Over Comfort: While providing candid feedback can be uncomfortable, it’s essential for growth and improvement.
  3. Lead with Context, Not Control: Instead of controlling employees with rules, leaders should provide them with the context to make informed decisions.
  4. Adaptability: In a rapidly changing industry, the ability to adapt and reinvent is crucial for long-term success.
  5. Culture as a Competitive Advantage: A strong, unique culture can be a significant differentiator in the marketplace.


“No Rules Rules” offers a deep dive into the unconventional culture that has driven Netflix’s meteoric rise. Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer provide a roadmap for any organization looking to break the mold and foster a culture of innovation, autonomy, and high performance. In a world where traditional corporate hierarchies are often seen as stifling innovation, Netflix’s approach serves as a refreshing and proven alternative.